Cómo colaboramos para ayudar a la Comunidad Valenciana

Ethical Commitment

The pillar of our company culture.

Ethical Commitment

Code of Ethics

At Affinity, we are committed to acting ethically and responsibly. And this is reflected in our Code of Ethics: we are committed to conducting a business that is ethical and transparent that complies with the law and regulations, and respects all parties concerned.

This Code is essential to our company ethics and serves as the basis for our policies, guidelines and procedures within Affinity.

Complying with the standards

Complying with the standards

Our Governance Risk & Compliance department helps and guides us on the best way to do things throughout the organisation. It also ensures that standards are respected at Affinity, and possible risks in the short, medium and long term are well managed.

To ensure that this ethical commitment is met, we have created the Ethics & Compliance Committee at Affinity, which works to guarantee compliance with current regulations and internal policies and procedures.

Do The Right Thing

Do The Right Thing

To help ensure that all action at Affinity follows our Code of Conduct, our internal standards and also the applicable law, we have created the “Do The Right Thing” channel.

Through this channel, our employees, clients and suppliers can express their concerns or report suspicions related to non-compliance with the standards.